Love story film: ten years and going strong
In 2009, the Lone Rangers Arne Junker, Steffen Burkhardt and Michael Stadler meet during a production and promptly decide to hoist the GbR flag to continue their collaboration.
A lot has happened since then: The GbR has grown into a GmbH & Co. KG, we have built an ever-growing network across the continents, and new people open up new opportunities. Despite the expansion, we value our roots: Heilbronn, an economic centre in southern Germany, is still our base camp.
In January 2020, Joshua J. Krull joined the permanent team. After his time with WMG Film Gmbh in Berlin, Joshua has been working for imagis in a freelance capacity while studying Directing at Septima Ars in Madrid. He will now be partner #4 in the Filmproduktionsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.